Welcome to Ginette’s art prints galleries. Ginette is a productive artist and here you will find a large collection of her best art, she’s painted since 1999.

The majority of her work is sold but art prints, of the finest quality are available in most sizes. Everything is organized into theme categories and also year of art work painted. The prints are manufactured i.e. printed on demand by Fine Art America/Pixels and shipped from their worldwide locations.
Fine Art America has a 30 day return policy and a reputation for superb quality of prints and frames, many are available, as well as mats, if you like to get your art ready to hang. Fine Art America/Pixels is the vendor of choice for Ginette Callaway. Prints can be made on canvas, paper including textured watercolor papers and more. When you click on the individual images you will see options for type of print surfaces, sizes etc.. It is a self explanatory system. However if for any reason you have questions please do not hesitate to contact Ginette directly to walk you through the process and help in any way she can. Ginette has helped buyers with choosing the right frame or mat to complete their purchases. CONTACT GINETTE